Connection with the nature
Recently, we have been talking a lot about the importance of mental health, and I, as a social worker and psychotherapist, am very pleased to see this tendency.
Many factors can influence our balanced existence in an incredibly busy cycle - home-family-work + the desire to live up to the ideals proposed by social networks. This year, at last, I am opening my private psychotherapy practice, and, on my page, I will acquaint you with the most accessible ways to improve your emotional state.
I'll start with the simplest. By virtue of my profession, I communicate with a large number of people from different social strata and cultural backgrounds, but one thing unites – people dedicate a lot of time to the social networks or videos on YouTube and very little in nature. A Japanese scientist Dr. Kin Li wrote a book on forest bathing in 2007 that helps:
- lower blood pressure;
- reduce stress levels;
- improve mood;
- to increase concentration;
- prolong attention span, even in children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD);
- to improve the immune system, especially after surgical/medical interventions.
- to increase energy;
- to improve sleep.
According to some peer-reviewed research, it is assumed that 75% of the world's population will live in cities, and, accordingly, the relationship between nature and humans will change significantly. Therefore, to prevent this, you can follow the simple rules of forest bathing:
1. When outside - activate all of your five senses - sight, smell, touch, hearing, and taste. Touch the grass, consider the unusual drawings on it, rub the leaf with your hands, and inhale the smell. Pay attention also to the bark of trees, moss, stones, puddles, reservoirs, throw a stone into the river and observe the circles that have formed.
2. When at home - surround yourself with your favorite houseplants, cognize them, notice their development, admire their beauty, and smell the aromas.
3. If the above methods are not available - use aroma oils, inhale their scent, determine for yourself what you like and on what days or according to your emotional state at that moment.
4. Brew yourself some herbal tea and drink it from small cups to intensify the experience and to activate your taste buds following the recommendations of Shinrin Yoku.
Engage in such therapy for 15 minutes to start, then increase the time to two hours, during this time try not to think about your goals and aspirations and try to minimize communication with others.
Typically, you will need two hours to walk 1 km when you ready to dedicate this amount of time for yourself.
Shinrin – Yoku The Art and Science of Forest bathing.